Management consulting + entrepreneurial experience = unique perspective.


We develop strategies for growth, increased profitability, or recovery. We have extensive experience as management consultants, as well as start-up entrepreneurial experience. We understand firsthand what it's like to be a business owner, and this experience informs our work significantly. Our strategy services include:

  • Developing & building profit centers
  • Value innovation
  • Business modeling
  • Developing & building markets
  • Positioning & pricing
  • Banking & investor relations
  • Customer relationship development
  • Supplier diversity
  • Managing organizational & infrastructural growth
  • Planning, managing & financing growth



Many small and midsize businesses underestimate the role of leadership in creating innovation or change. Unlike a large organization where leadership is often kept at a distance, the leadership of smaller organizations is visible and tangible. Leaders often fail to realize that like parents, what they do (or don't do) is closely observed and becomes the model for employees and other stakeholders. 

It has been our experience that new business strategies or change initiatives often fail because leadership is not aligned for success. Even though they have greenlighted the initiative, they might unable or unwilling to make the changes necessary, and cling to the status quo. Our leadership services include:

  • Leadership consulting
  • Ongoing leadership coaching



Growth and change require effective communications. Our services include:

Communications strategy & development

  • Strategic communications
  • Marketing communications – interactive & print
    • Brand strategy
    • Messaging development
    • Positioning development
    • Content strategy & development 
    • Ad & collateral development
  • Business communications
  • Speechwriting & presentations 
  • Creative development
  • Squarespace website development – "Squarespace" is a trademark of Squarespace, Inc. This website is not affiliated with Squarespace, Inc.
  • Writing & editing

We have developed an entirely new and profitable brand due to Linda’s tireless efforts. We could not have built our new brand without Linda’s skills as a manager and marketing guru, and we are indebted to her for creating a new profit center.

Service highlights

  • Expertise in complex and critical situations
  • Deep management consulting experience with business development, recovery, and change initiatives
  • Experience with institutional lenders, investors & venture financing
  • Experienced with start-up entrepreneurship
  • Quickly absorbs and integrates business intelligence
  • Skilled at bridging communication gaps between divergent audiences or those with conflicting agendas
  • Skilled at building bridges between business and scientific/technical teams
  • Prolific writer, having written extensively for every client in over 25+ years